Man pages for novisci/stype
Statistical Types

as_SurvCast a 'v_rcensored' Type to a Surv Object
check_internal_nameCheck that a character vector has length 0 or 1
check_internal_namesCheck that internal names are equal
check_number_positiveCheck whether a value is a positive scalar number
check_summary_argsChecks that summary function ellipsis arguments only
contextstype contexts
context_get_setGet an object's context or elements thereof
data_summary-classA Class Subclassing From the 'methods::namedList' Class
decide_auto_computeIn the case that both x and y not equal to the default,...
describeDerive Variable Statistics
determine_mathish_codomainGet the codomain of math/summary function for stype vectors
eairExposure-Adjusted Incidence Rate
get_censorinfoGet censoring info for a data_summary
get_data_summariesGet data summaries from a list of stypes
get_data_summaryGet the summary from a stype variable
get_internal_nameGet the internal name from a stype variable
get_math_codomainsGet Math codomains
get_outcomeinfoGet outcome info for a data_summary
get_persontimeGet person-time info for a data_summary
get_summary_codomainsGet Summary codomains
is_auto_computedIs this data_summary to be auto computed?
is_not_computedIs a data_summary computed?
is_study_roleCheck a study role
is_stypeCheck that an object is a stype vector
make_maybe_get_summaryCreates a function for getting a summary value
make_stype_constructorCreate a constructor function for stype vectors
make_stype_ptype2Create a stype<->stype ptype2 function
make_stype_restoratorCreate a vec_restore function for basic stype types
maybe_get_data_summary_mathGets a summary value already computed in a data_summary
modify_purposeModify a purpose
new_stype_vctrThe internal builder of (basic) stype vctrs
pmin_v_rcensoredCombine Right-Censored Events
purpose-classPurpose object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
show-methodsDisplay an object
stop_invalid_mathThrow 'stype_invalid_math' Error
stype_abortCreate custom 'rlang::abort' Class for Stype Objects
stype_classesStype classes
stype_lensesLenses for stype vectors
stype-packageStatistical algebraic data types
stype_predicatesUseful stype predicates
stype_strString Representation of the Statistical Type
swap_functionSwap the called function for a different function
v_binaryBinary vectors
v_continuousContinuous vectors
v_continuous_nonnegNon-negative continuous vectors
v_countCount vectors
vec_arithArithmetic ops
v_nominalNominal categorical vectors
v_orderedOrdered categorical vectors
v_proportionProportion vectors
v_rcensoredRight censored vectors
v_rcensored_accessorsGet elements from v_rcensored
weightChange Weights for stype Vector Elements
novisci/stype documentation built on July 28, 2022, 7:44 a.m.