Easily view your microtitre plate data

## # A tibble: 96 x 3
##    well  drug          conc
##    <chr> <chr>        <dbl>
##  1 A01   aclarubicin    128
##  2 A02   amrubicin      128
##  3 A03   daunorubicin   128
##  4 A04   doxorubicin    128
##  5 A05   epirubicin     128
##  6 A06   idarubicin     128
##  7 A07   mitoxantrone   128
##  8 A08   pirarubicin    128
##  9 A09   pixantrone     128
## 10 A10   valrubicin     128
## # … with 86 more rows

View your data in place interactively with mtp_view().

# mtp_example1 %>% mtp_view()
# mtp_example1 %>% mtp_view(fillVar = "drug")
mtp_example1 %>% mtp_view(fillVar = "drug", fillOpacityVar = "conc")

Tooltip shows the relevant data for well when you hover over

Or, use mtp_plot() which is best for saving and printing and plays nice with ggplot2.

One plate

mtp_example1 %>% 
    mutate(plate = 1) %>% 
    mtp_ggplot(aes(plate = plate, well = well)) + 
    mtp_spec_96well() + 
    geom_footprint() + 
    geom_notched_border() +
    geom_col_label() + 
    geom_row_label() + 
    geom_well_rect(aes(fill = drug, alpha = conc))

add lineplots

You can also add lineplots to if you have repeated measures for each well:

mtp_example2 %>% 
    mutate(plate = 1) %>% 
    unnest() %>% 
    mtp_ggplot(aes(plate = plate, well = well)) + 
    mtp_spec_96well() + 
    geom_footprint() + 
    geom_notched_border() +
    geom_col_label() + 
    geom_row_label() + 
    geom_well_rect(aes(fill = cond)) + 
    geom_well_line(aes(x = runtime, y = measure))
## Warning: `cols` is now required.
## Please use `cols = c(data)`

Another example:

mtp_example3 %>% 
    mutate(plate = 1) %>% 
    unnest() %>% 
    mtp_ggplot(aes(plate = plate, well = well)) + 
    mtp_spec_96well() + 
    geom_footprint() + 
    geom_notched_border() +
    geom_col_label() + 
    geom_row_label() + 
    geom_well_rect(aes(fill = drug, alpha = dose_um)) + 
    geom_well_line(aes(x = runtime, y = measure)) + 
    geom_well_text(aes(label = strain))
## Warning: `cols` is now required.
## Please use `cols = c(data)`

Multiple Plates

data <- mtp_example4 %>% 
    filter(run == 1) %>% 
## Warning: `cols` is now required.
## Please use `cols = c()`
plot <- data %>% 
    mtp_ggplot(aes(plate = plate, well = well)) + 
    mtp_spec_96well() + 
    geom_footprint(aes(fill = strain), alpha = 0.25) +
    geom_notched_border() +
    geom_col_label(size = 2) +
    geom_row_label(size = 2) +
    geom_well_rect(fill = "grey96", size = 0.1) +
    geom_well_line(aes(x = runtime, y = measure), size = 0.2) + 


npjc/mtpview1 documentation built on Oct. 29, 2019, 9:41 a.m.