Man pages for nsdumont/jDirichletMixtureModels
Dirichlet Mixture Models for Clustering using Julia backend

aggregationDataAggregation Data
dmm.addfileAdd a Julia file to be accessible.
dmm.BaseModelCreate a model using bulit-in conjugate models
dmm.benchmarkTo get MCMC computation times
dmm.benchmark.BaseModelTo get MCMC computation times
dmm.benchmark.JConjugateModelTo get MCMC computation times
dmm.benchmark.JNonConjugateModelTo get MCMC computation times
dmm.clusterUse a Dirichlet Mixture Model on data to get cluster labels...
dmm.cluster.BaseModelUse a Dirichlet Mixture Model on data to get cluster labels...
dmm.cluster.JConjugateModelUse a Dirichlet Mixture Model on data to get cluster labels...
dmm.cluster.JNonConjugateModelUse a Dirichlet Mixture Model on data to get cluster labels...
dmm.cluster.RModelUse a Dirichlet Mixture Model on data to get cluster labels...
dmm.JConjugateModelCreate a conjugate model using Julia fucntions
dmm.JModelCreate a model using Julia fucntions
dmm.JNonConjugateModelCreate a nonconjugate model using Julia fucntions
dmm.modelCreate a model
dmm.model.characterCreate a model object
dmm.model.functionCreate a model object
dmm.model.NULLCreate a model object
dmm.plotPlot labeledData for a state returned by dmm
dmm.RModelCreate a model using R fucntions
dmm.setupDo initial setup for jDirichletMixtureModels package.
dmm.stateFormats a single DMM OutputState Julia object into a list of...
dmm.stateAsTableFormats a single DMM OutputState Julia object into a list of...
dmm.statesConstructing list of all states from dmm.cluster run...
dmm.summarizeSummerize given a single state's cluster info given a single state's cluster info
dmm.summarize.listSummerize given a single state's cluster info
mouseMouse Data
syntheticGaussian1Synthetic Gaussian Cluster Data 1
syntheticGaussian2Synthetic Gaussian Cluster Data 2
nsdumont/jDirichletMixtureModels documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:51 p.m.