Man pages for nsj3/rioja
Analysis of Quaternary Science Data

aberAbernethy Forest pollen data
chclustConstrained hierarchical clustering
compare.datasetsCompare datasets for matching variables (species)
gutilsGraphic utilities.
IKImbrie and Kipp foraminifera data
IKFAImbrie & Kipp Factor Analysis
inkspotTwo-way ordered bubble plot of a species by sites data table
interp.datasetInterpolate a dataset
LWRWeighted averaging (LWR) regression and calibration
MATPalaeoenvironmental reconstruction using the Modern Analogue...
MergeMerges two or more data frames on the basis of common column...
MLRCPalaeoenvironmental reconstruction using Maximum Likelihood...
MLRC2Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction using Maximum Likelihood...
MRMultiple regression
PondsSoutheast England ponds and pools diatom and water chemistry...
PTFPalaeoecological transfer functions
randomPTFRandom transfer functions to calculate variable importance
rioja-internalInternal rioja functions.
rioja.packageAnalysis of Quaternary Science Data
RLGHDiatom stratigraphic data from the Round Loch of Glenhead,...
strat.plotPlot a stratigraphic diagram
SWAPSWAP surface sediment diatom data and lake-water pH.
utilsUtility functions.
WAWeighted averaging (WA) regression and calibration
WAPLSWeighted averaging partial least squares (WAPLS) regression...
nsj3/rioja documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:50 a.m.