Man pages for nthun/metamanager
Manage Meta-analysis Workflow in R

add_columnsAdd named empty columns to a dataframe
assign_articlesAssign (or re-assign) articles to several team members
calculate_agreementCalculate inter-rater agreement statistics beween team...
correct_categoriesMatch strings with a pre-defined set of strings
create_path_structureCreate a full path structure
flag_duplicate_idFlag duplicates by identifiers
flag_duplicate_titleFlag duplicates by title
get_from_folderGet csv-s from folder
get_from_gdriveGet sheets from google drive
init_gdriveCreate folder structure on goodle drive
init_metaCreate a folder structure and a team file on goodle drive
init_teamCreate a team file on google drive
make_idMake a tidy unique identifier in a data frame of articles
merge_sourcesMerge data sources
metamanager-packageFunctions for efficient meta-analysis project management
save_locallySave several files locally based on a nesting variable
tidy_krippTidy function for Krippendorff's alpha
upload_to_gdriveUpload all .csv-s as google sheets from a local folder to a...
workaholism_psychinfoWorkaholism articles from PsychINFO
workaholism_pubmedWorkaholism articles from PubMed
workaholism_scopusWorkaholism articles from Scopus
nthun/metamanager documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:37 p.m.