BiocDockerManager - An R Package to manage Bioconductor Docker Images

The BiocDockerManager package was designed to work analogous to BiocManager but for docker images. Use the BiocDockerManager package manage docker images provided by the Bioconductor project. The package provides convenient ways to install images, update images, confirm validity and find which Bioconductor based docker images are available.


Preliminary Step 0: Install Docker Desktop on your local machine, and sign in

Install the package BiocManager, then install BiocDockerManager in your R session

if (!require("BiocManager"))

Example Workflow

We hope to provide functionality which is useful to R and Bioconductor Docker users in the form of an R package.

The typical workflow would look like the following:

First, you check the available() images. Then you install() a required image say bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel.

## 1. Check available images

## 2. Install a new image
    repository = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker",
    tag = "devel"

Once some time has passed and if you are not sure if you image is up to date, you have to check if the image is valid().

Then, install() an update if the validity check returns that it is out of date. Check the version() of the latest image to make sure you understand the consequences of updating.

## 3. Check if image is valid
    tag = "devel"

## 4. Download update to image
    tag = "devel"

## 5. Check version
    tag = "devel"


Please read the package vignette for more help.


Martin Morgan (@mtmorgan) and Kayla Morell (@Kayla-Morrell).

nturaga/BiocDockerManager documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 3:21 p.m.