Code status

Build Status codecov

Installing and running this package

# Run this as a script

# Install football stats from github
cat(' ## Installing footballstats \n ## ')


  repo = "ntyndall/footballstats"


cat(' ## Install Complete. \n\n')

# Set up log directory


cd redis-stable/utils
sudo ./

To start and stop the redis server type sudo service redis_6379 start / stop - Edit the /usr/lib/R/etc/ file and include the following 3 tokens

Sys.setenv(FS_HOST = "___")
Sys.setenv(FS_APIKEY = "Authorization=___")
Sys.setenv(FS_SLACK = "___")
Sys.setenv(FS_DEPLOYLOC = "___")

where the last token is the root path of where the above script is run from, e.g. /root/. - Set up a cron job by typing crontab -e with the following...

# Collect football information - such as match / team / commentary information THEN predict matches
0 22 * * 0 Rscript -e 'library(footballstats); footballstats::analyse_and_predict(deployed = TRUE)'

# After information has been gathered - update player status etc (COSTLY operation!)
0 22 * * 1 Rscript -e 'library(footballstats); footballstats::analyse_players(deployed = TRUE)'

# Generate report
# ...

Unfortunately, the size of the XGBoost model being stored in the R package leads to memory issues when lazy loading - to save some cash on large memory boxes, I can just scp mymodels/xgModel.rda root@IP:/root the file across and load it while performing the analysis so I don't have to lazy load it.

Tagging a release


There are a number of useful scripts for testing and building models. Make sure that redis is running on port 6379.


Below will be information on the accuracy so far that the app is achieving. To add more results, run through the data sets and append to the data/accuracyFrame data set in a similar fashion and from the root directory create the plot by running Rscript demo/create_acc_plot.R and push the new image to the repo.

ntyndall/footballstats documentation built on Aug. 13, 2019, 1:36 p.m.