insert_control_column: Insert a Column of Controls Into a Table

Description Usage Arguments Details


The tabular panel functions generate the column of controls that then need to be added to the table. The use of this function permits the controls to be placed as any column in the table, instead of just the first, or last.


insert_control_column(tbl, control, control_column)



An object that inherits data.frame.


A vector of controls the same length at tbl.


The ultimately desired column position of the control.


This is not an exported function, but is documented because it is used by multiple tabular panel functions. Since it isn't exported, no argument checks are performed–it is assumed that the arguments have been checked for appropriateness before they get passed to insert_control_column.

When control_column == 1, the controls are placed in the first column and the column index of all other columns increments by 1.

When control_column == (ncol(tbl) + 1), the control column is simply appended as the last column in the table.

When control_column is an integer between 2 and ncol(tbl), it is at the specified column index, and the column indices beyond control_column are incremented by 1.

nutterb/shinydust documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 8:13 a.m.