Man pages for nverno/sync.afs
Sync with AFS

AFSAFS class to interact with data on AFS
afs_read_optsRead/set user options
afs_set_optsSet user preferences
copy_filesCopy files from AFS
create_data_key_templateCreate data_key (as data.table) to store files/locations/info...
data_visWrapper to visualize the location of files in the AFS...
file_infoGather information about data files stored on afs. Throws...
get_dataRead master data associated with R data file.
get_keyGet the data key
load_keyload the data key onload
nonEmptyremove nulls/empty values from list
process_trackerProcess the file tracking document ('file_tracker.txt'). If...
set_key_namesUpdate R file names associated with master files.
signinSign in to AFS, if options aren't supplied, try interactive...
update_keyUpdate data_key by processing the tracking document and...
nverno/sync.afs documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:55 a.m.