ECNNO2: UK Atmospheric NO2

ECNNO2R Documentation

UK Atmospheric NO2


UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) atmospheric nitrogen chemistry data: 1993-2015






ECNNO2 is the data and is an object of class "data.frame". Columns are Year, Month, TubeID, SiteCode, and Value. ECNmeta is the site locations.

An object of class data.frame with 9108 rows and 7 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 12 rows and 4 columns.


From "Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. These data are collected by diffusion tubes at all of ECN's terrestrial sites using a standard protocol. They represent continuous fortnightly records from 1993 to 2015." The data in ECNNO2 are the NO2 (micrograms/m3). Note although the dataset information do not state this, I believe that the data are averaged iver the time exposure (minutes), i.e. are micrograms/m3-minute, because the exposure time does not affect the N02 values in the dataset, i.e. longer exposure does not equal higher NO2 values. The link above has all the background information on the dataset. The original data are taken every 7-31 days, with 14 days apart being the target and most common time difference. ECNNO2 is the monthly average of of all the readings for the experimental tubes. The average for the E1 tube will be average of the 1-3 E1 tubes from that month. Same for E2, E3 etc.

These data are part of a long-term monitoring program in the UK. N02 is just one component that is monitored. The sites locations are in ECNmeta.


UK Centre for Ecolgoy & Hydrology


Rennie, S.; Adamson, J.; Anderson, R.; Andrews, C.; Bater, J.; Bayfield, N.; Beaton, K.; Beaumont, D.; Benham, S.; Bowmaker, V.; Britt, C.; Brooker, R.; Brooks, D.; Brunt, J.; Common, G.; Cooper, R.; Corbett, S.; Critchley, N.; Dennis, P.; Dick, J.; Dodd, B.; Dodd, N.; Donovan, N.; Easter, J.; Flexen, M.; Gardiner, A.; Hamilton, D.; Hargreaves, P.; Hatton-Ellis, M.; Howe, M.; Kahl, J.; Lane, M.; Langan, S.; Lloyd, D.; McCarney, B.; McElarney, Y.; McKenna, C.; McMillan, S.; Milne, F.; Milne, L.; Morecroft, M.; Murphy, M.; Nelson, A.; Nicholson, H.; Pallett, D.; Parry, D.; Pearce, I.; Pozsgai, G.; Rose, R.; Schafer, S.; Scott, T.; Sherrin, L.; Shortall, C.; Smith, R.; Smith, P.; Tait, R.; Taylor, C.; Taylor, M.; Thurlow, M.; Turner, A.; Tyson, K.; Watson, H.; Whittaker, M.; Wood, C. (2017). UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) atmospheric nitrogen chemistry data: 1993-2015. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.


# Data were prepared from the downloaded data set as follows:
## Not run: 
dat <- read.csv("ECN_AN1.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat$Date <- as.Date(dat$SDATE, "%d-%B-%y")
dat$Year <- format(dat$Date, "%Y")
dat$Mon <- format(dat$Date, "%b")
a <- subset(dat, TUBEID %in% c("E1","E2","E3"))
b <- spread(a, FIELDNAME, VALUE)
b <- b[order(b$Date), ]
bad <- c(103, 104, 107:120) # bad quality codes. Burning nearby or contaminant in tube.
b$NO2[b$Q1 %in% bad | b$Q2 %in% bad | b$Q3 %in% bad] <- NA
val <- tapply(b$NO2, list(b$Year, b$Mon, b$TUBEID, b$SITECODE), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
dat.mon <- melt(data=val,"NO2")
colnames(dat.mon) <- c("Year", "Month", "TubeID", "SiteCode", "Value")
dat.mon$Date <- as.Date(paste(1,dat.mon$Mon, dat.mon$Year), "%d %b %Y")
dat.mon <- dat.mon[order(dat.mon$Date),]
rownames(dat.mon) <- NULL
ECNNO2 <- dat.mon

## End(Not run)


nwfsc-timeseries/atsa-package documentation built on May 8, 2023, 3:17 p.m.