
#' Lake Barco Aquatic Data
#' @description Lake Barco data for the EFI 2021 Forecasting Challenge 
#' @details  The data for the aquatics challenge comes from a NEON site at Lake Barco (Florida). More about the data and challenge is \href{https://ecoforecast.org/efi-rcn-forecast-challenges/}{here} and the Github repository for getting all the necessary data is \href{https://github.com/eco4cast/neon4cast-aquatics}{eco4cast}.
#' The \code{neon_barc} data set was created with the \code{aquatics-targets.csv.gz} file produced in the neon4cast-aquatics GitHub repository and saved in the inst folder in the atsalibrary package. 
#' From that file, \code{neon_barc} is created with
#' ```
#' library(tidyverse)
#' library(lubridate)
#' # This taken from code on NEON aquatics challenge
#' targets <- readr::read_csv("aquatics-targets.csv.gz", guess_max = 10000)
#' site_data_var <- targets %>%
#'   filter(siteID == "BARC")
#' # This is key here - I added the forecast horizon on the end of the data for the forecast period
#' full_time <- tibble(time = seq(min(site_data_var$time), max(site_data_var$time), by = "1 day"))
#' # Join the full time with the site_data_var so there aren't gaps in the time column
#' site_data_var <- left_join(full_time, site_data_var) %>%
#'   dplyr::rename(date = time)
#' site_data_var$year <- year(site_data_var$date)
#' site_data_var$cal_day <- yday(site_data_var$date)
#' neon_barc <- site_data_var
#' ```
#' @references 
#' Ecological Forecasting Initiative
#' \url{https://ecoforecast.org/}
#' Neon4Cast Aquatics GitHub repository \url{https://github.com/eco4cast/neon4cast-aquatics}
#' @docType data
#' @name neon_barc
#' @usage data(neon_barc)
#' @format neon_barc is a tibble with 
#' columns are date, siteID, oxygen, temperature, oxygen_sd, temperature_sd, 
#' depth_oxygen, depth_temperature, neon_product_ids, year, and cal_day.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @source \href{https://github.com/eco4cast/neon4cast-aquatics}{https://github.com/eco4cast/neon4cast-aquatics}
#' @examples
#' data(neon_barc)
nwfsc-timeseries/atsalibrary documentation built on May 11, 2023, 2:25 a.m.