Man pages for nyiuab/BhGLM
Bayesian hierarchical GLMs and survival models, with applications to Genomics and Epidemiology

bcoxphBayesian Cox Survial Models
bglmBayesian Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)
BhGLM-packageBayesian hierarchical GLMs and survival models, with...
bmlassoBayesian Spike-and-Slab Lasso Models
bpolrBayesian Ordinal Models
covariatesTransforming Covariates and Filling in Missing Values
cv.bhCross-Validation for Bayesian Models or Elastic Net
df.adjCalculating Adjusted Degree of Freedom
geno.freqSummarizing Genotypic Data
glmNetFit GLMs or Cox Models with Lasso or Elastic Net
make.interMaking Design Matrix of Interactions (GxG and GxE)
make.mainMaking Design Matrix of Main Effects from Genotypic Data
mbglmFitting Bayesian GLMs for Many Responses
mc.adjAdjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons
measuresEvaluating Fitted Models
plot.bhGraphically Summarizing Bayesian Model Fits
simulationSimulating Predictors and Response Data
summary.bhNumerically Summarizing Bayesian Model Fits
nyiuab/BhGLM documentation built on Jan. 9, 2022, 3:31 p.m.