mcintegral: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo integration in any...

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mcintegralR Documentation

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo integration in any dimension


Numerical integration using a Monte Carlo (MC) or Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) algorithm, based on a Halton sequence. These algorithms are of low order (1/sqrt(n) for MC, log(n)/n for QMC in one dimension) compared to the typical orders of 1D deterministic integrators, such as those available in the integrate function. The MC and QMC integrators are suitable to compute D-dimensional integrals with D>>1, since the order of most deterministic methods deteriorates exponentially with D, whereas the order of MC remains 1/sqrt(n), irrespective of D, and the order of QMC only deteriorates slowly with D as log(n)^D/n.


mcintegral(f, a, b, n = 1e+05, qmc = FALSE, seed = NULL, warn = TRUE)



scalar function of a D-vector to be integrated numerically; for fast performance, this function should be vectorized, such that it returns an N-element vector if it is given an N-by-D matrix as argument. An automatic warning is produced if the function is not vectorized in this manner.


D-vector with lower limit(s) of the integration


D-vector with upper limit(s) of the integration


approximate number of random evaluations. (The exact number is max(1,round(sqrt(n)))^2.)


logical flag. If false (default), pseudo-random numbers are used; if true, quasi-random numbers from a D-dimensional Halton sequence are used.


optional seed for random number generator. Only used if qmc is false.


logical flag. If true (default), a warning is produced if the function f is not vectorized.


Returns a list of items:


the best estimate of the integral.


an estimate of the statistical 1-sigma uncertainty.


exact number of evaluations (close to n).


Danail Obreschkow


## Numerically integrate sin(x)
f = function(x) sin(x)
m = mcintegral(f,0,pi)
cat(sprintf('Integral = %.3f\u00B1%.3f (true value = 2)\n',m$value,m$sigma))

## Numerically compute the volume of a unit sphere
sphere = function(x) as.numeric(rowSums(x^2)<=1) # this is vectorized
vmc = mcintegral(sphere,rep(-1,3),rep(1,3),seed=1)
vqmc = mcintegral(sphere,rep(-1,3),rep(1,3),qmc=TRUE)
cat(sprintf('Volume of unit sphere = %.3f\u00B1%.3f (MC)\n',vmc$value,vmc$error))
cat(sprintf('Volume of unit sphere = %.3f\u00B1%.3f (QMC)\n',vqmc$value,vqmc$error))
cat(sprintf('Volume of unit sphere = %.3f (exact)\n',4*pi/3))

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