Man pages for obrl-soil/h3jsr
Access Uber's H3 Library

are_neighbourscheck if H3 cells are neighbours
cell_areaGet exact cell area
cells_to_multipolygonGet geometry for a set of H3 cells
cell_to_childposCell to Child position
cell_to_children_sizeCell to children size
cell_to_lineConvert H3 cell indexes to a line
cell_to_pointConvert H3 cell index to point location
cell_to_polygonGet the boundary of an H3 cell index
cell_to_splitlongH3 cell to split long
childpos_to_cellChild position to cell
compactCompact H3 cells
degs_to_radsConvert degrees to radians
edge_lengthGet exact cell edge length
get_base_cellget the base cell of an H3 cell index
get_cell_vertexGet a vertex index
get_cell_vertexesGet all vertex indexes
get_centerchildget central child H3 cell index
get_childrenget child H3 cell indices
get_diskGet nearby H3 cell indices
get_disk_listGet nearby H3 cell indexes separated by distance
get_facesget the icosahedron faces of an H3 cell index
get_gcdistGreat circle distance
get_local_cellGet H3 cell from local i, j coordinates
get_local_ijGet local i, j coordinates
get_parentget parent H3 cell index
get_pentagonsget the pentagon indices for an H3 resolution
get_resget the resolution of an H3 cell index
get_res0Get resolution 0 indexes
get_ringGet a ring of H3 cell indexes
get_uddestGet destination cell from directed edge
get_udedgeGet a unidirectional edge index
get_udedgesGet all directed edge indexes for a given H3 cell
get_udendsGet origin and destination indexes of directed edge
get_udoriginGet origin cell index from directed edge
grid_distanceGrid distance between H3 cells
grid_pathPath between H3 cells
h3_info_tableH3 index utility information table
h3jsr-packageh3jsr: Access Uber's H3 library
is_pentagoncheck if H3 cell index is a pentagon
is_rc3check if H3 cell index is in a Class III resolution
is_validcheck H3 cell index
is_valid_edgeCheck H3 unidirectional edge index
is_valid_vertexcheck H3 cell index
num_cellsGet total H3 cells
point_to_cellConvert point location to H3 cell index
polygon_to_cellsGet H3 cell index within a polygon
prep_for_polyfillPrepare geometry for polygon_to_cells
prep_for_pt2cellPrepare inputs for point_to_cell
rads_to_degsConvert radians to degrees
res_areaGet average cell area
res_cendistGet average distance between H3 cell centers
res_lengthGet average cell edge length
splitlong_to_cellSplit long to H3 cell
udedge_to_lineGet the geometry of an H3 edge
uncompactUncompact H3 cell indices
vertex_to_pointConvert H3 cell vertex index to point location
obrl-soil/h3jsr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:33 a.m.