get_local_cell: Get H3 cell from local i, j coordinates

View source: R/local_coordinates.R

get_local_cellR Documentation

Get H3 cell from local i, j coordinates


This function returns H3 destination cells for local i, j coordinate pairs anchored by an H3 origin cell.


get_local_cell(origin = NULL, i = NULL, j = NULL, simple = TRUE)



Character; 15-character cell index generated by H3. A vector of indexes can also be supplied.


a single i coordinate or vector of same, generated by get_local_ij


a single j coordinate or vector of same, generated by get_local_ij


Logical; whether to return a vector of outputs or a data frame containing both inputs and outputs.


If simple = TRUE, a character vector of destination H3 cells. If not, a data frame containing columns origin, i, j, destination.


  • The coordinate space used by this function may have deleted regions or warping due to pentagonal distortion.

  • Coordinates are only comparable if they come from the same origin cell.

  • Failure may occur if the destination is too far away from the origin or if the destination is on the other side of a pentagon.

  • This function is experimental, and its output is not guaranteed to be compatible across different versions of H3.


# Get local coordinates for a nearby cell
local <- get_local_ij(origin = '86be8d12fffffff', destination = '86be8d127ffffff')

# Convert back to destination cell
get_local_cell(origin = '86be8d12fffffff', i = local[, 1], j = local[, 2])

obrl-soil/h3jsr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:33 a.m.