Man pages for obrl-soil/slga
Data Access Tools for the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia

aoi_alignAlign AOI to product
aoi_convertConvert AOI
aoi_overlapsCheck AOI overlaps
aoi_tileTile AOI
aoi_transformTransform an AOI's CRS
bne_surface_clayCentral Brisbane surface clay content
check_availValidate soils product/attribute combination
get_lscape_dataGet SLGA landscape data
get_lscape_pointGet SLGA point landscape data
get_slga_dataGET soil or landscape data
get_soils_dataGet SLGA soils data
get_soils_pointGet SLGA point data
get_soils_rasterDownload single SLGA soils raster subset
make_circ_maskMake a circular mask
make_lscape_urlMake SLGA Landscape URL
make_point_urlMake point URL
make_soils_urlMake SLGA WCS URL
metadata_lscapedownload SLGA landscape metadata
metadata_soilsdownload SLGA soils metadata
slga_attribute_infoSLGA Attribute Information
slga_filenamerFilename generator
slga-packageslga: Data Access Tools for the Soil and Landscape Grid of...
slga_product_infoSLGA Product Information
tidy_lscape_datatidy landscape parameter rasters
tidy_soils_dataTidy soils rasters
validate_aoiValidate AOI
validate_poibbox from center point
obrl-soil/slga documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 4:31 a.m.