get_lscape_data: Get SLGA landscape data

View source: R/get_data.R

get_lscape_dataR Documentation

Get SLGA landscape data


Downloads SLGA gridded landscape data in raster format from public WCS services.


get_lscape_data(product = NULL, aoi = NULL, write_out = FALSE, filedir)



Character, one of the options from column 'Short_Name' in slga_product_info, where Type = 'Landscape'.


Vector of WGS84 coordinates defining a rectangular area of interest. The vector may be specified directly in the order xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, or the function can derive an aoi from the boundary of an 'sf' or 'raster' object.


Boolean, whether to write the retrieved dataset to the working directory as a GeoTiff. Defaults to FALSE.


directory in which to write files if write_out == TRUE.


Raster dataset for a single landscape product.


  • An aoi larger than 1x1 decimal degree is retrieveable, but be aware that download file size will be large. If you want a dataset that covers more than ~3x3', it may be faster to download the full GeoTIFF from the CSIRO Data Access Portal and crop out your AOI using GDAL.

  • Output rasters are aligned to the parent dataset rather than the aoi. Further resampling may be required for some applications.


# get slope data for central Brisbane
aoi <- c(152.95, -27.55, 153.07, -27.45)
bne_slope <- get_lscape_data(product = 'SLPPC', aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE)

# get slope, aspect and relief class data for central Brisbane
bne_SAR <- lapply(c('SLPPC', 'ASPCT', 'RELCL'), function(t) {
  get_lscape_data(product = t, aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE)

obrl-soil/slga documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 4:31 a.m.