#' Download single SLGA soils raster subset
#' Retrieves SLGA gridded soil data in raster format from WCS service.
#' @param product Character, one of the options from column 'Short_Name' in
#' \code{\link[slga:slga_product_info]{slga_product_info}}, where Type =
#' 'Soil'.
#' @param attribute Character, one of the options from column 'Code' in
#' \code{\link[slga:slga_attribute_info]{slga_attribute_info}}
#' @param component Character, one of 'VAL', 'CLO', or 'CHI'.
#' @param depth Integer, a number from 1 to 6.
#' @param aoi Vector of WGS84 coordinates defining a rectangular area of
#' interest. The vector may be specified directly in the order xmin, xmax,
#' ymin, ymax, or the function can derive an aoi from the boundary of an `sf`
#' or `raster` object.
#' @param skip_val boolean, filthy hack for point data requests, prevents double
#' validation expanding bbox size
#' @return Raster dataset for a single combination of product, attribute,
#' component, depth, and area of interest.
#' @note aoi's wider or taller than 1 decimal degree are retrievable, but be
#' aware that download file size will be large. If you want a dataset that
#' covers more than ~3x3', may be faster to download the full
#' GeoTIFF from the CSIRO Data Access Portal and crop out your AOI using GDAL.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom httr content GET http_error status_code user_agent write_disk
#' @importFrom raster getValues mosaic raster writeRaster
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
get_soils_raster <- function(product = NULL,
attribute = NULL,
component = NULL,
depth = NULL,
aoi = NULL,
skip_val = FALSE) {
# check availability
if(check_avail(product, attribute) == FALSE) {
stop("The requested attribute is not available as part of the requested
product. Please check data('slga_attribute_info').")
# validate aoi
if(skip_val == FALSE) {
aoi <- validate_aoi(aoi, product)
# generate URL
this_url <- make_soils_url(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = component, depth = depth,
aoi = aoi)
# code up filename
out_name <- slga_filenamer(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = component, depth = depth)
# get data, send to temp file(s)
r <- if(is.list(this_url)) {
message("Requesting a large volume of data, please be patient...")
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(this_url), style = 3)
dat <- mapply(function(x, i) {
out_temp <- paste0(tempfile(), '_SLGA_', out_name, '.tif')
gr <- get_slga_data(url = x, out_temp)
if(httr::http_error(gr)) {
stop(paste0('http error ', httr::status_code(gr), '.'))
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
}, x = this_url, i = seq_along(this_url))
# https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/104109/76240 \o/
dat$fun <- mean
# CRS warnings spurious and redundant with later amendment
suppressWarnings(do.call(raster::mosaic, dat))
} else {
out_temp <- paste0(tempfile(), '_SLGA_', out_name, '.tif')
gr <- get_slga_data(url = this_url, out_temp)
if(httr::http_error(gr)) {
stop(paste0('http error ', httr::status_code(gr), '.'))
# CRS warning spurious and redundant with later amendment
tidy_soils_data(r, out_name)
#' Get SLGA soils data
#' Downloads SLGA gridded soils data in raster format from public WCS
#' services.
#' @param product Character, one of the options from column 'Short_Name' in
#' \code{\link[slga:slga_product_info]{slga_product_info}}, where Type =
#' 'Soil'.
#' @param attribute Character, one of the options from column 'Code' in
#' \code{\link[slga:slga_attribute_info]{slga_attribute_info}}.
#' @param component Character, one of the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 'VAL' - predicted value surface.
#' \item 'CLO' - lower 95\% confidence interval surface.
#' \item 'CHI' - upper 95\% confidence interval surface.
#' \item 'CIS' - both confidence interval surfaces.
#' \item 'ALL' - value and both confidence interval surfaces.
#' }
#' Defaults to 'ALL'.
#' @param depth Integer from 1 to 6. The numbers correspond to the
#' following depth ranges:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item 0 to 5 cm.
#' \item 5 to 15 cm.
#' \item 15 to 30 cm.
#' \item 30 to 60 cm.
#' \item 60 to 100 cm.
#' \item 100 to 200 cm.
#' }
#' @param aoi Vector of WGS84 coordinates defining a rectangular area of
#' interest. The vector may be specified directly in the order xmin, ymin,
#' xmax, ymax, or the function can derive an aoi from the boundary of an `sf`
#' or `raster` object.
#' @param write_out Boolean, whether to write the retrieved dataset to disk.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param filedir directory in which to write files if write_out == TRUE.
#' @return Raster stack or single raster, depending on the value of `component`.
#' @note \itemize{
#' \item An aoi larger than 1x1 decimal degree is retrieveable, but be
#' aware that download file size will be large. If you want a dataset that
#' covers more than ~3x3', it may be faster to download the full
#' GeoTIFF from the CSIRO Data Access Portal and crop out your AOI using GDAL.
#' \item Output rasters are aligned to the parent dataset rather than the aoi.
#' Further resampling may be required for some applications.
#' \item specify `depth = 1` for attributes 'DES' and 'DER' as they are
#' whole-of-profile parameters.
#' }
#' @examples \donttest{
#' # get surface clay data for central Brisbane
#' aoi <- c(152.95, -27.55, 153.07, -27.45)
#' bne_surface_clay <- get_soils_data(product = 'NAT', attribute = 'CLY',
#' component = 'ALL', depth = 1,
#' aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE)
#' # get estimated clay by depth for central Brisbane
#' bne_all_clay <- lapply(seq.int(6), function(d) {
#' get_soils_data(product = 'NAT', attribute = 'CLY',
#' component = 'VAL', depth = d,
#' aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE)
#' })
#' bne_all_clay <- raster::brick(bne_all_clay)
#' }
#' @importFrom raster raster stack writeRaster
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
get_soils_data <- function(product = NULL,
attribute = NULL,
component = 'ALL',
depth = NULL,
aoi = NULL,
write_out = FALSE,
filedir) {
component <- match.arg(component,
c('ALL', 'VAL', 'CIS', 'CLO', 'CHI'))
if(!(depth %in% seq.int(6))) {
stop('Please choose a value between 1 and 6 for depth.')
if(all(write_out == TRUE, missing(filedir))) {
stop('Please supply a destination directory.')
switch(component, 'ALL' = {
rs <- lapply(c('VAL', 'CLO', 'CHI'), function(l) {
get_soils_raster(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = l, depth = depth, aoi = aoi)
s <- raster::stack(rs)
s_names <- names(s)
if(write_out == TRUE) {
out_name <- slga_filenamer(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = 'ALL', depth = depth)
out_dest <- file.path(filedir, paste0(out_name, '.tif'))
raster::writeRaster(s, out_dest, datatype = 'FLT4S', NAflag = -9999,
overwrite = TRUE)
s <- raster::stack(out_dest)
names(s) <- s_names
} else {
'CIS' = {
rs <- lapply(c('CLO', 'CHI'), function(l) {
get_soils_raster(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = l, depth = depth, aoi = aoi)
s <- raster::stack(rs)
s_names <- names(s)
if(write_out == TRUE) {
out_name <- slga_filenamer(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = 'CIS', depth = depth)
out_dest <- file.path(filedir, paste0(out_name, '.tif'))
raster::writeRaster(s, out_dest, datatype = 'FLT4S', NAflag = -9999,
overwrite = TRUE)
s <- raster::stack(out_dest)
names(s) <- s_names
} else {
'VAL' = {
val <- get_soils_raster(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = 'VAL', depth = depth, aoi = aoi)
v_name <- names(val)
if(write_out == TRUE) {
out_dest <- file.path(filedir, paste0(v_name, '.tif'))
raster::writeRaster(val, out_dest, datatype = 'FLT4S', NAflag = -9999,
overwrite = TRUE)
val <- raster::raster(out_dest)
names(val) <- v_name
} else {
'CLO' = {
clo <- get_soils_raster(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = 'CLO', depth = depth, aoi = aoi)
c_nm <- names(clo)
if(write_out == TRUE) {
out_dest <- file.path(filedir, paste0(c_nm, '.tif'))
raster::writeRaster(clo, out_dest, datatype = 'FLT4S', NAflag = -9999,
overwrite = TRUE)
clo <- raster::raster(out_dest)
names(clo) <- c_nm
} else {
'CHI' = {
chi <- get_soils_raster(product = product, attribute = attribute,
component = 'CHI', depth = depth, aoi = aoi)
c_nm <- names(chi)
if(write_out == TRUE) {
out_dest <- file.path(filedir, paste0(c_nm, '.tif'))
raster::writeRaster(chi, out_dest, datatype = 'FLT4S', NAflag = -9999,
overwrite = TRUE)
chi <- raster::raster(out_dest)
names(chi) <- c_nm
} else {
#' Get SLGA landscape data
#' Downloads SLGA gridded landscape data in raster format from public WCS
#' services.
#' @param product Character, one of the options from column 'Short_Name' in
#' \code{\link[slga:slga_product_info]{slga_product_info}}, where Type =
#' 'Landscape'.
#' @param aoi Vector of WGS84 coordinates defining a rectangular area of
#' interest. The vector may be specified directly in the order xmin, xmax,
#' ymin, ymax, or the function can derive an aoi from the boundary of an `sf`
#' or `raster` object.
#' @param write_out Boolean, whether to write the retrieved dataset to the
#' working directory as a GeoTiff. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param filedir directory in which to write files if write_out == TRUE.
#' @return Raster dataset for a single landscape product.
#' @note \itemize{
#' \item An aoi larger than 1x1 decimal degree is retrieveable, but be
#' aware that download file size will be large. If you want a dataset that
#' covers more than ~3x3', it may be faster to download the full
#' GeoTIFF from the CSIRO Data Access Portal and crop out your AOI using GDAL.
#' \item Output rasters are aligned to the parent dataset rather than the aoi.
#' Further resampling may be required for some applications.
#' }
#' @importFrom httr content GET http_error status_code user_agent write_disk
#' @importFrom raster getValues mosaic raster subs writeRaster
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @examples \donttest{
#' # get slope data for central Brisbane
#' aoi <- c(152.95, -27.55, 153.07, -27.45)
#' bne_slope <- get_lscape_data(product = 'SLPPC', aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE)
#' # get slope, aspect and relief class data for central Brisbane
#' bne_SAR <- lapply(c('SLPPC', 'ASPCT', 'RELCL'), function(t) {
#' get_lscape_data(product = t, aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE)
#' })
#' }
#' @export
get_lscape_data <- function(product = NULL,
aoi = NULL,
write_out = FALSE, filedir) {
if(all(write_out == TRUE, missing(filedir))) {
stop('Please supply a destination directory.')
aoi <- validate_aoi(aoi, product)
this_url <- make_lscape_url(product = product, aoi = aoi)
# get data, send to temp file(s) - handle tiled requests
r <- if(is.list(this_url)) {
message("Requesting a large volume of data, please be patient...")
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(this_url), style = 3)
dat <- mapply(function(x, i) {
out_temp <- paste0(tempfile(), '_SLGA_', product, '.tif')
gr <- get_slga_data(url = x, out_temp)
if(httr::http_error(gr)) {
stop(paste0('http error ', httr::status_code(gr), '.'))
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
}, x = this_url, i = seq_along(this_url))
dat$fun <- mean
# CRS warning spurious and redundant with later amendment
suppressWarnings(do.call(raster::mosaic, dat))
} else {
out_temp <- paste0(tempfile(), '_SLGA_', product, '.tif')
gr <- get_slga_data(url = this_url, out_temp)
if(httr::http_error(gr)) {
stop(paste0('http error ', httr::status_code(gr), '.'))
# CRS warning spurious and redundant with later amendment
tidy_lscape_data(r, product, write_out, filedir)
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