Man pages for oczoske/slacR
R-package to measure v and sigma from VIMOS IFU cubes

bin.cubeCompute the average of spectra in a cube
binneyFunction to compute <v/sigma> as defined by Binney (2005)
build.kernelBuild a Gaussian-Hermite kernel for convolution of a template...
build.modelBuild a model for a galaxy spectrum from a stellar template...
combine.fitsCombine and compute statistics of a number of kinematic maps
convert.maskUtility function to create a mask vector from a variety of...
convolve.spectrumConvolve a spectrum with a given kernel
fit.cubeFunction to perform kinematic analysis over a VIMOS IFU data...
fit.spectrumFit a galaxy spectrum with a stellar template and a Gaussian...
gauss.hermiteFunction to compute the Gauss-Hermite series up to order 4
GH.momentsVelocity moments of a Gauss-Hermite series
HermiteHermite Polynomials
lambdaRFunction to compute the angular momentum parameter lambda_R...
merit.contoursCreate contour plot of goodness of kinematic fit
merit.functionCompute the chi2 merit function for template fitting
OII.modelCollection of functions to create an OII map from VIMOS data
plot.kinfitPlot of a kinematic fit
plot.kinmapPlot image of a matrix with adjoining colour bar
plot.spectrumLine Plot Of A Spectrum
prepare.cubePrepare a data cube for kinematic analysis
prepare.ELODIERead an ELODIE Spectrum as Template
prepare.ESIRead an ESI Spectrum as Template
prepare.IndoUSRead an Indo-US Spectrum as Template
prepare.kinmapRead in a kinematic map from file
prepare.spectrumRead and prepare a one-dimensional spectrum
prepare.templatePrepare a template spectrum for kinematic analysis
print.kinmapPretty-print a kinematic map
resample.spectrumResample a spectrum to a given wavelength vector
slacR-packageKinematic analysis of galaxy spectra
spec.arithArithmetic operations on spectra
trim.spectrumTrim Spectrum to Specified Wavelength Range
tvtThe tensor virial theorem
write.fitsWrite data to a fits file
write.kinmapFunction to write a kinematic map to a fits file
oczoske/slacR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:23 p.m.