
Usefull tools for teaching statistics.

To install the packages

  install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")
  #library(devtools)  # You might need to install devtools first

Compile an worksheet.

The new command create_workbook renders html and pdf files from a list of tasks. The tasks exercise1.qmd, exercise2.qmd can be found at along with the rendered html and pdf files.

  ### Local Files
  tasks = c(
  ) # list of tasks (can also be a single task)

  ### Remote Files
  tasks = c(
  ) # list of tasks (can also be a single task)

  title = "Week 1 (Simple Stuff)" # Title of the worksheet
  fname='week1' # Name of the file(s) which are produces

  # Stays the same for all worksheets for a given course
  header_file = "da.qmd" # To change / add go into repository inst/extdata

  create_workbook(tasks=tasks, title = title, fname=fname,  header_file=header_file)

Tips for developing the worksheets:

quarto preview exercise1.qmd

Thinks to consider


The html files are rendered to be selfcontained. This means that the images are embedded in the html file. This is good for distribution, but bad for the size of the html file. If you want to reduce the size of the html file you can use the selfcontained = FALSE option in create_workbook. While being selfcontained these file are not rendered as html in github, you have to dowload then.

Adding a custom header

The header file is a markdown file which is included at the beginning of the worksheet. Add a custom qmd-file like custom.qmd in the inst/extdata folder exchange header_file = "custom.qmd"

oduerr/idpedu documentation built on June 4, 2024, 12:08 a.m.