Man pages for oganm/allenBrain
Acquiring puctures from allen brain atlas

add_scaleAdding a scale bar to the image
centerImageCenter and crop the image
downloadAtlasDownloads atlas image
downloadImageDownload the image from ABA
getAllExperimentsAcquire a table listing all experiments
getAtlasImageGet atlas image data for a given ID
getGeneDatasetsAcquire datasets for genes
getSectionImageGet section image data for a given ID
getStructureIDsAcquire a list of structure ids
imageToAtlasAcquire atlas id centered on the image
imageToImageFor a list of target SectionDataSets, find the closest...
imageToImage2DFor a list of target SectionImages, find the closest (x,y)...
listImagesList images for a dataset
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
structureToImageAcquire image id centered on the region
oganm/allenBrain documentation built on March 28, 2024, 11:16 p.m.