cellTypeEstimate: Calculate cell type profile estimations

View source: R/estimate.R

cellTypeEstimateR Documentation

Calculate cell type profile estimations


Primary function for cell type profile estimations.


cellTypeEstimate(exprData, genes, geneColName = "Gene.Symbol",
  outlierSampleRemove = FALSE, synonymTaxID = NULL,
  geneTransform = function(x) {     mouse2human(x)$humanGene }, groups,
  tableOut = NULL, indivGenePlot = NULL, seekConsensus = F,
  removeNegatives = TRUE, plotType = c("groupBased", "cummulative"),
  PC = 1)



data.frame. Expression data. First collumns of the expression data should include gene names in the same format as the ones specified in the marker gene lists. Any other non-expression related fields must not be of type 'double'


a named list containing marker gene lists of each cell type


character. name of the column containing the gene names in the expression file


logical. should the outlier samples be removed from the final output


Taxonomy identifier of the source of cell type markers. If provided, synonyms of the genes will be added as markers, not recommended since unrelated genes can share names


a function that will be applied to the gene list. the default behavior is to change mouse genes to human genes. set to NULL to keep the genes as they are


a vector stating which groups each sample belongs to


character, filename. If provided outputs loadings of individual genes and variance explained by principal components


a character vector. If provided, plots expression of marker genes in individual groups per marker gene list. Is not guaranteed to look pretty.


logical. If TRUE any gene with negative loadings in any of the groups individually will be removed. Use if there is a high likelihood of gene regulation between the groups.


logical. should the genes with negative loadings be removed from the estimation. Setting seekConsensus to TRUE makes this irrelevant. As all negatives will be removed at that step


if indivGenePlot is provided, type of plot to be saved. groupBased separates expression between groups cummulative plots a single value


which principal component to use. For debugging purposes. Recommended value is always 1

oganm/neuroExpressoAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 7:50 p.m.