Man pages for okrebs/iotr
Obtain, Tidy and Modify Input-Output Tables For Quantitative Economics

io_correspondencesSector and Country/Location Correspondences
io_dl_icioDownload IO tables from the OECD ICIO
io_dl_wiotDownload IO tables from the WIOD
io_gen_own_tradeGenerate small own trade values as needed
io_load_icioDownload IO tables from the OECD ICIO
io_load_wiotLoad IO tables from the WIOD
io_plot_icio_mapVisualize data for ICIO countries
io_plot_wiot_mapVisualize data for WIOD countries
io_rm_dynamicsRemove Dynamic Consumption Categories from IO Table
io_rm_negative_vadRemove Negative VAD from IO Table
io_set_cache_dirSet paths to cache large IO downloads
io_tidy_icioTidy data from OECD's ICIO
io_tidy_wiotTidy data from the World Input Output Database
iotr-packageiotr: Obtain, Tidy and Modify Input-Output Tables For...
okrebs/iotr documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:06 p.m.