singlePlotRACER: Single Regional Association Plot Function

View source: R/singlePlotRACER.R

singlePlotRACERR Documentation

Single Regional Association Plot Function


This function allows you to creat a plot of -log10(P-values) of an association study by their genomic position, for example, the results of a GWAS or eQTL study. Be sure your input association data has been formatted using formatRACER. If you want to include linkage disequilibirum data, you can use the ldRACER function to use the 1000 genomes project to calculate LD for your data.


singlePlotRACER(assoc_data, chr, build = "hg19",
  set = "protein_coding", plotby, gene_plot = NULL, snp_plot = NULL,
  start_plot = NULL, end_plot = NULL, label_lead = FALSE)



required. A dataframe that has been produced by formatRACER and has columns named CHR, POS


required. numeric. chromosome to plot


optional. default = "hg19", can also optionally be set to "hg38", depending on the build of your input data


optional. default = "protein_coding", however can be set to "all" to plot all RNAs in the genome


required. "coord", "gene", or "snp". Which parameter to use to determine the reigon to be plotted.


optional. Required if "gene" selected for plotby, then plot will be +/- 50kb of gene


optional. Required if "snp" selected for plotby, then plot will be +/- 50kb of snp


optional. Required if "coord" selected for plotby, then this will be lower bound of x axis


optional. Required if "coord" selected for plotby, then this will be upper bound of x axis


optional. default = FALSE, set = TRUE if you wish to add a label to your graph of the SNP used to calculate LD. If the SNP used to calculate LD is not in your data set, the SNP with the greatest -LOG10(P) will be labeled.


mark3_bmd_gwas_f = formatRACER(assoc_data = mark3_bmd_gwas, chr_col = 3,
pos_col = 4, p_col = 11)
mark3_bmd_gwas_f_ld = ldRACER(assoc_data = mark3_bmd_gwas_f,
rs_col = 2, pops = c("EUR"), lead_snp = "rs11623869")
singlePlotRACER(assoc_data = mark3_bmd_gwas_f_ld, chr = 14,
build = "hg19", plotby = "coord", start_plot = 103500000, end_plot = 104500000)

oliviasabik/mirrorplot documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 11:11 p.m.