zebu: zebu: Local Association Measures

zebuR Documentation

zebu: Local Association Measures


The zebu package implements the estimation of local (and global) association measures: Ducher's Z, Lewontin's D, pointwise mutual information, normalized pointwise mutual information and chi-squared residuals. The significance of local (and global) association is accessed using p-values estimated by permutations.


lassie estimates local (and global) association measures: Ducher's Z, Lewontin's D, pointwise mutual information, normalized pointwise mutual information and chi-squared residuals.

permtest accesses the significance of local (and global) association values usingp-values estimated by permutations.

chisqtest accesses the significance for two dimensional chi-squared analysis.


Maintainer: Olivier M. F. Martin oliviermfmartin@tutanota.com


See Also

Useful links:

oliviermfmartin/zebu documentation built on Sept. 1, 2023, 9:12 p.m.