Man pages for olssol/rwetools
R functions for real-world data analysis

c_get_psGet PS
cMatchMatch by nearest neighbor
c_ps_gmm_dgGet Derivative of Moment Constraints
c_ps_gmm_gGet ALL Moment Constraints
c_ps_gmm_gbarGet Gbar and Sigma
c_ps_gmm_sigmaGet Gbar and Sigma
crtTestTest Rcpp function
ex_dataExample dataset
get_matchMatch by nearest neighbor
get_metricGet balance by different metrics
metric_mhbmahalanobis balance
plot.RWE_DWITHPSPlot PS distributions
rwe_bal_metricGet balance by different metrics
rwe_bal_metric_psGet PS-adjusted balance by different metrics
rweCutCut a sequence of numbers into bins with equal numbers in...
rweDistCompute distance from F0 to F1
rweEvenLmbdSSplit A into Bins
rwe_extract_statsExtract summary statistics
rwe_extract_stats_covxGet estimating equation
rweFreqTblGenerate frequency table for factor columns
rweGetBinIntGet intercept for a binary outcome.
rweGetLambdaGet weights
rweGetPowerAGet the actual power term in the power prior
rwe_get_surv_intGet Intercept for Survival Outcome Simulation
rweGetYSigCompute standard error of the random error
rwe_gmm_psGet Propensity Scores by GMM
rwe_gmm_ps_oldGet Propensity Scores by GMM
rweGPSGet generalized propensity scores
rweGpsDistGet number of subjects and the distances of PS distributions...
rweGpsLambdaGet weights
rweGpsWlPS-Integrated Weighted Likelihood Estimation
rwe_margin_entropyCalculate entropy score
rwe_margin_llCalculate log-likelihood based on summary statistics
rwe_margin_psCalculate PS score based on simulated target data
rwe_margin_sampleSample patient based on summary statistics
rwe_margin_simuSimulate covariates based on summary statistics
rwe_margin_stat_diffCalculate differences in summary statistics
rwe_match_psMatch on PS
rwePlotUnbalancePlot unbalance in covariates
rwePSGet propensity scores
rwePSDistGet number of subjects and the distances of PS distributions...
rwePsJkWLPS-Integrated Composite Likelihood Estimation
rwePsPowDrawPostGet Posterior for all stratum
rwePsPowDrawPriorGet Prior Only for all stratum
rwe_ps_survPS-Integrated Survival Curve
rwePSUnbalanceGet unbalance after PS adjustment
rwePsWLPS-Integrated Weighted Likelihood Estimation
rwe_shinyRun Web-Based 'rwetools' application
rweSimuCombineCombining simulation results
rweSimuCovSimulate covariates following a mixture of multivariate...
rweSimuErrorSimulate random errors
rweSimuFromTrialSimulate data from an existing dataset
rweSimuSingleArmSimulate outcomes for a single arm study
rwe_simu_survSimulate survival outcomes
rweSimuTwoArmSimulate continuous outcomes for a two arm study
rweSTANCall STAN models
rweSummarySummary statistics l
rweSummaryPostSummary Posterior theta
rwe_tk_psGet Propensity Scores
rwetools-packageR tools for synthesizing real-world evidence
rweUnbalanceGet unbalance in baseline Covariates
rweWLWeighted Likelihood Estimation for one external RWD
rweWL_GWeighted Likelihood Estimation for general number of external...
rweXBetaSimulate X multiplied by Beta
simuparaParameters for simulating data
summary2add a method summary2
summary2.RWE_DWITHPSSummary unbalance metrics
tk_append_listAppend list
tkCallFunCall function by its name organized as a vector
tkExpRstExport results into a template file
tk_extract_statsExtract summary statistics from a data frame
tk_get_xbetaGet X^T times Beta
tkMakeLocalImport objects in a list into a designated environment
olssol/rwetools documentation built on April 18, 2021, 11:42 a.m.