knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

This file attemps to make an internal documentation for iskay nonparametric data analysis application. It includes:

  1. Input and output object names

  2. Import data

  3. Dialogs event buttons

  4. Combobox options buttons

  5. Tables

  6. Example for friedman test

Input and output object names

Import data

Show dialogs

ComboBox for statistical tables

This list includes thre main columns:

  Name <- c("Global summary", "Multiple comparison", "Paired comparison") 
  Choice <- c("gsum", "mulcom", "pcom") 
  pt <- data.frame(Name, Choice)

According to each test, cbTable_abbre_test show a different type of combo:

Import data

Type: Action button. Description: show help dialog about the test and required inputs

Tables for test results

There are three types of tables:

Type: DataTable.

Description: descriptive summary. Ex: ou_dtmanw_gsum (Mann-Withney summary descriptive).

Type: DataTable.

Description: p-values, mean or median multiple comparison. Ex. ou_dtmanw (Mann-Whitney analysis results/table),

Type: DataTable.

Description: paired comparison. Ex. ou_dtfriedman_pair (Friedman test paired comparison table).

Test results

Description: Reactive data. Storage the results for each test using the tabName (tab name for each test).

Friedman Test: Inputs and outputs

Friedman renderUI

Friedman selectInput

Friedman data table

Friedman show dialog

TODO: #parameter table

    #statistic table
    #radial plot


omarbenites/iskay documentation built on May 22, 2019, 8:51 p.m.