parseSchemaDoc: Parse an XML schema document and replace the include and...

parseSchemaDocR Documentation

Parse an XML schema document and replace the include and import nodes


This function parses an XML document and then looks for import and include nodes that are part of an XML schema (i.e. in the appropriate namespace identified by namespaces). For any such nodes, it "substitutes" those with the contents of the referenced schema in the schemaLocation attribute (assuming there is one).


parseSchemaDoc(url, removeComments = TRUE,
               namespaces = c(xs = ""),
               followImports = TRUE, followIncludes = followImports,
               prevSchema = new.env())



the location or content of the XML document. This can be a URL, name of a regular or compressed file, or the XML content itself.


this controls whether comment nodes are removed from the document after it is read in. This can simplify the processing of the schema.


a character vector giving the name space definitions which are used to identify the standard XML schema. Since there are different versions of the XML schema specification, i.e. 1999 and 2001, we allow the user to specify the namespace URI. The prefix/name is irrelevant as we change this to "xs"


a logical value indicating whether to process xs:import nodes within the resulting document by reading the referenced document and inserting its contents into this document


a logical value indicating whether to process xs:import nodes within the resulting document by reading the referenced document and inserting its contents into this document


an environment which is used to contain the type definitions for other schema being processed


An XMLInternalDocument.


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also


omegahat/XMLSchema documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 7:08 p.m.