Man pages for one-acre-fund/soilgrids
Manipulates soil grids data for easier 1AF use

apply_soil_weightsCreates full raster layers for each soil component applying...
convert_soil_to_veloxConverts soil raster to velox
convert_soil_unitsCreates full raster layers for each soil component, applying...
crop_raster_to_countryTake the velox raster and crop the velox objects down to the...
extract_soil_gpsExtracts values for GPS df from soil velox raster
get_country_polygonschecks that country boundaries exist and if they don't...
get_soil_dataExecutes the full soil extraction process
import_soil_rastersimports appropriate rasters to create soil layers
intersect_map_and_pointsCreate intersected map to use to crop velox rasters.
layers_to_filesTakes soil layers and converts to file names from soil grids...
length_filterBreaks list based on subsets with 3 layers and those with one...
match_soil_crsGiven SPDF and country where the points are, put the SPDF and...
pipePipe operator
prepare_n_layerPrepares the N data in particular and performs raster...
prepare_p_layerPrepares the P data in particular and performs raster...
stack_and_sum_soilTakes weighted soil layers, creates stack, and sums values to...
one-acre-fund/soilgrids documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:02 a.m.