Man pages for oneilsh/rstackdeque
Persistent Fast Amortized Stack and Queue Data Structures an rdeque to a data.frame an rstack to a data.frame
as.list.rdequeConvert an rdeque to a list
as.list.rstackConvert an rstack to a list
as.rdequeCreate a pre-filled rdeque from a given input
as.rstackCreate an rstack pre-filled from a given input
head.rstackReturn the head (top) of an rstack
insert_backInsert an element into the back of an rdeque or rpqueue
insert_frontInsert an element into the front of an rdeque
insert_topInsert an element onto the top of an rstack
length.rdequeReturn the number of elements in an rdeque
length.rstackReturn the number of elements in an rstack
peek_backReturn the data element at the back of an rdeque
peek_frontReturn the data element at the front of an rdeque
peek_topReturn the data element at the top of an rstack
rdequeCreate a new empty rdeque
rev.rstackReverse an rstack
rstackCreate a new, empty rstack
rstacknodeInternal structure used by rstacks, rdeques, and rpqueues
without_backReturn a version of an rdeque without the back element
without_frontReturn a version of an rdeque or rpqueue without the front...
without_topReturn a version of an rstack without the top element
oneilsh/rstackdeque documentation built on May 17, 2022, 6:29 p.m.