BayesLearnSU: BayesLearnSU: a package for the Bayesian learning course at...

BayesLearnSUR Documentation

BayesLearnSU: a package for the Bayesian learning course at SU


This package contains the data sets used in the course Bayesian learning at Stockholm university. The package uses lazy loading, which means that the data sets are not loaded themselves into the environment, but they can still be accessed.


Even though the data sets do not show up in the environment, they can be accessed (used) as normal, so for example mean(tempLinkoping$temp) or summary(womenWork) will give expected results.

For a list of all available data sets, use help(, "BayesLearnSU").

ooelrich/BayesLearnSU documentation built on March 30, 2022, 2:32 a.m.