
nc <- function(x) {comma(x, digits = 0)}

Background information: Why are we researching this topic? What is the expected product? A blog post? Analysis for an internal or external partner?

Research Question

Data sources

Where is the data from? The ojo database? OSCN? ODCR? Crime in Oklahoma reports?


What years/months are you looking at? Year of case filing, first disposition, prison admission, etc.? Be as specific as possible.


What courts/counties/states are you looking at?


What variables did you use? What types of cases, crimes, etc.?

Defining Measures

This is where you'll likely spend the biggest chunk of time if you're using court data. There are a lot of ways things can go wrong, so we want to be able to trace back all of our steps and document all the decisions we're making.

Because each analysis project is a bit different, the number and length of subsections in this section will vary a lot.

Measure 1

Describe how you defined the first measure.

Checking Data

Explain the results of the checks of your data.

Check for Completeness

If you're using court data, you can use the ojo_check_comp to see how complete the data is.

# ojo_check_comp(sc)

Check for NAs

Detail the NAs and blank items in your data and, if necessary and possible, fill them in.

# rog_nas <- rog %>% 
#   summarize(nas = sum( | defname == "")) # checks for NA and blank ("") defendant names
# rog_nas

Check for outliers

If you're looking at numeric data, look at the highest and lowest values and explain your procedures to deal with them in this section.

Summarizing and Visualizing Data

There will likely be several sections here too. Summarize and visualize the data in different ways and identify trends that you see.

Summary 1

body {
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h1.title.toc-ignore {
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h1, h2, h3 {
  font-family: 'Pluto Sans';
  font-weight: bold;

#TOC {
  font-family: 'Menlo'
},, {
    font-weight: bold;
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p a {
  color: black;
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  font-weight: bold;


openjusticeok/ojodb documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 3:25 p.m.