osmdata_data_frame: Return an OSM Overpass query as a data.frame object.

osmdata_data_frameR Documentation

Return an OSM Overpass query as a data.frame object.


Return an OSM Overpass query as a data.frame object.


osmdata_data_frame(q, doc, quiet = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)



An object of class overpass_query constructed with opq and add_osm_feature. May be be omitted, in which case the attributes of the data.frame will not include the query.


If missing, doc is obtained by issuing the overpass query, q, otherwise either the name of a file from which to read data, or an object of class xml2 returned from osmdata_xml.


suppress status messages.


Should character strings in the 'data.frame' be coerced to factors?


If you are not interested in the geometries of the results, it's a good option to query for objects that match the features only and forget about members of the ways and relations. You can achieve this by passing the parameter body = "tags" to opq.


A data.frame with id, type and tags of the the objects from the query.

See Also

Other extract: osmdata_sc(), osmdata_sf(), osmdata_sp(), osmdata_xml()


## Not run: 
hampi_df <- opq ("hampi india") %>%
    add_osm_feature (key = "historic", value = "ruins") %>%
    osmdata_data_frame ()
attr (hampi_df, "bbox")
attr (hampi_df, "overpass_call")
attr (hampi_df, "meta")

## End(Not run)

osmdatar/osmdata documentation built on April 14, 2024, 5:28 p.m.