
#' #Learning non-standard evaluation
#' #\code{fancy_chart} is not to be used, it is only a place to learn non-standard evaluation.
#' #@export
# fancy_chart <- function(data = NA, library = "plotly", x.axis = NA, y.axis = NA, ...){
#   chart_options <- mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
#   switch(
#     library,
#     "ggplot2" = {
#       # print(fancy_chart_options)
#       ggplot_fancy_chart(data, chart_options)
#     },
#     "highcharter"
#   )
# }
# ggplot_fancy_chart <- function(data = NA, chart_options = NA){
#   print(f_eval(chart_options$x.axis, data))
#   ggplot(data, aes(x = f_eval(chart_options$x.axis, data), y = f_eval(chart_options$x.axis, data))) + geom_point()
# }

# ## Call the function
# fancy_chart(data = iris, library = "ggplot2", x.axis = ~Petal.Length, y.axis = ~Sepal.Length, send.arg = 5, receive.list = list(arg1 = 1))
ox-it/oidnChaRts documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:55 p.m.