Man pages for ozjimbob/ecbtools
Environmental Change Biology Tools

ascGridResampleCrops, resamples and registers an input ASCII Grid raster to...
BISEBest Index Slope Extraction
calc_dewCalculates the dew point, based on temperature and relative...
calc_humidCalculate relative humidity from temperature and dew point.
darkpixCalculates percentage of dark pixels in an image.
darkpix.dirProcess hemispherical photo directory.
dayintegralTime sun is above horizon for a day and latitude.
daylengthsCalculate daily lengths of day for a given latitude.
degConvert radians to degrees
degreesConvert radians to degrees.
DF_SMDCalculate a drought factor vector from rain and soil moisture...
ecb_modECB Linear Modelling Wizard
ecbtools-packageEnvironmental Change Biology tools.
get_etSDI Evapotranspiration Lookup Function
graphFFDIGraph of McArthur FFDI for selected Australian Met Station
grid_pointsCreates a regular grid of points around a...
hourwattCalculates the energy (Watts) of sunlight reaching the earth...
index_CFWICanadian Fire Weather Index
index_DFCalculates the FFDI Drought Factor from input meteorological...
index_FFDIMcArthur Forest Fire Danger Index Mk5
index_FFDI_DFMcArthur Forest Fire Danger Index with precalculated drought...
index_FFDI_G4McArthur Grassland Fire Index Mk4.
index_FosbergFosberg Fire Weather Index.
index_KBDIKeech-Byram Drought Index.
index_MNIModified Nesterov Fire Danger Index.
index_NINesterov Fire Danger Index.
index_SDICalculate SDI Soil Dryness Index
index_SharplesSharples Fire Danger Index.
index_Sharples_DFSharples Fire Danger Index with drought factor.
index_ZZdenkho Fire Danger Index.
leafaCalculates area in cm of leaves in an image.
leafa.dirProcess leaf area image scan directory.
mvcsMultivariate Continuous Stratification
mvsMultivariate Stratification
normalizeNormalize a vector or matrix within a range.
perlin_noiseGenerates a matrix of Perlin noise
pointDistSampleSubsamples spatial points with bias against dense points.
pointnnSampleSubsamples spatial points with bias against close points.
radConvert degrees to radians
radiansConvert degrees to radians.
raster.kmeansK-means Classification on a RasterStack
sunaltitudeAltitude of sun above horizon.
timespline2D smoothed plots of data by year and day of year.
ozjimbob/ecbtools documentation built on Jan. 18, 2021, 7:39 p.m.