
#' Cleaned TOT Behavioral Data
#' @description A data set of the behavioral data, cleaned and for all subjects for the TOT ERP study
#' @format A data.frame with 4350 rows and 11 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{id}{subject id}
#'   \item{question_num}{each general information question has a unique number assigned to it}
#'   \item{trialnum}{trial number during the tot/feedback phase}
#'   \item{question}{text of the question}
#'   \item{rt}{reaction time (sort of) -- this is the amount of time after the tot yes/no probe that the experimenter hit a key for the participant's answer}
#'   \item{test_trialnum}{trial number of that question for that particular participant on the test phase}
#'   \item{subj_answer}{raw text of the participant's typed response in the test phase}
#'   \item{correct_answer}{the correct answer to the question -- what was provided as feedback during the tot/feedback phase as well}
#'   \item{mistake}{trials marked as a 1 in this column indicate that the experimenter hit a wrong key. these trials were removed from any analyses}
#'   \item{recall}{subsequent recall in test phase; C = correct, I = incorrect}
#'   \item{tot}{tot state or not during tot/feedback phase. 'N/A' indicates subject volunteered an answer. 'No' indicates that subject did not know the answer but did not report a tot state}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://github.com/pab2163/TOT_ERP}

#' Subject-Averaged Data
#' @description A data set with averaged subject ERP data from the TOT ERP study, directly from ERPLAB preprocessing output (http://www.erpinfo.org/erplab.html)
#' @format A data.frame with 3,328 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{value}{Average ERP amplitude 250-700ms post-feedback onset, averaged across epochs}
#'   \item{ERPset}{subject id}
#'   \item{chindex}{numerical label for each electrode}
#'   \item{chlabel}{abbreviation for electrode}
#'   \item{bini}{tot condition; 1 = tot, 2 = no-tot}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://github.com/pab2163/TOT_ERP}
pab2163/TOT_ERP documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:13 p.m.