
## ----setup, include = FALSE----------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----countries, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE----------------------------
#  library(dplyr)
#  library(purrr)
#  library(jsonlite)
#  country_codes_url <- ""
#  country_codes_raw_file <- "../data-raw/country_codes.json"
#  country_codes_tidy_file <- "../data/country_codes.RData"
#  if (!file.exists(country_codes_raw_file)) { download.file(country_codes_url, country_codes_raw_file) }
#  if (!file.exists(country_codes_tidy_file)) {
#    country_codes <- flatten_df(fromJSON(country_codes_raw_file)) %>%
#      mutate(display_length = nchar(id)) %>%
#      filter(display_length == 5) %>%
#      rename(country = name, country_code = display_id) %>%
#      select(country, country_code) %>%
#      filter(! %>%
#      mutate(country = iconv(country, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte")) %>%
#      arrange(country) %>%
#      # the code "wld" returns an empty JSON so I remove that
#      filter(country_code != "wld") %>%
#      # the world code is "all"
#      rbind(c("the World", "all")) %>%
#      # also Taiwan is not correctly written
#      mutate(
#        country = ifelse(country == "Taiwan", "Taiwan, province of China", country)
#      )
#    save(country_codes, file = country_codes_tidy_file, compress = "xz")
#  }

## ----hs92, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------
#  hs92_url <- ""
#  hs92_raw_file <- "../data-raw/hs92.json"
#  hs92_tidy_file <- "../data/hs92.RData"
#  if (!file.exists(hs92_raw_file)) { download.file(hs92_url, hs92_raw_file) }
#  if (!file.exists(hs92_tidy_file)) {
#    hs92_raw <- flatten_df(fromJSON(hs92_raw_file)) %>%
#      select(name, id, color)
#    hs92_groups <- hs92_raw %>%
#      select(name, id) %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) == 2) %>%
#      distinct() %>%
#      rename(group_name = name, group_id = id)
#    hs92 <- hs92_raw %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) >= 6) %>%
#      mutate(group_id = substr(id, 1, 2)) %>%
#      mutate(id = substr(id, 3, nchar(id))) %>%
#      rename(product_name = name) %>%
#      left_join(hs92_groups) %>%
#      mutate(
#        product_name = iconv(product_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte"),
#        group_name = iconv(group_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte")
#      ) %>%
#      select(product_name, id, group_name, group_id, color)
#    save(hs92, file = hs92_tidy_file, compress = "xz")
#  }

## ----hs96, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------
#  hs96_url <- ""
#  hs96_raw_file <- "../data-raw/hs96.json"
#  hs96_tidy_file <- "../data/hs96.RData"
#  if (!file.exists(hs96_raw_file)) { download.file(hs96_url, hs96_raw_file) }
#  if (!file.exists(hs96_tidy_file)) {
#    hs96_raw <- flatten_df(fromJSON(hs96_raw_file)) %>%
#      select(name, id, color)
#    hs96_groups <- hs96_raw %>%
#      select(name, id) %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) == 2) %>%
#      distinct() %>%
#      rename(group_name = name, group_id = id)
#    hs96 <- hs96_raw %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) >= 6) %>%
#      mutate(group_id = substr(id, 1, 2)) %>%
#      mutate(id = substr(id, 3, nchar(id))) %>%
#      rename(product_name = name) %>%
#      left_join(hs96_groups) %>%
#      mutate(
#        product_name = iconv(product_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte"),
#        group_name = iconv(group_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte")
#      ) %>%
#      select(product_name, id, group_name, group_id, color)
#    save(hs96, file = hs96_tidy_file, compress = "xz")
#  }

## ----hs02, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------
#  hs02_url <- ""
#  hs02_raw_file <- "../data-raw/hs02.json"
#  hs02_tidy_file <- "../data/hs02.RData"
#  if (!file.exists(hs02_raw_file)) { download.file(hs02_url, hs02_raw_file) }
#  if (!file.exists(hs02_tidy_file)) {
#    hs02_raw <- flatten_df(fromJSON(hs02_raw_file)) %>%
#      select(name, id, color)
#    hs02_groups <- hs02_raw %>%
#      select(name, id) %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) == 2) %>%
#      distinct() %>%
#      rename(group_name = name, group_id = id)
#    hs02 <- hs02_raw %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) >= 6) %>%
#      mutate(group_id = substr(id, 1, 2)) %>%
#      mutate(id = substr(id, 3, nchar(id))) %>%
#      rename(product_name = name) %>%
#      left_join(hs02_groups) %>%
#      mutate(
#        product_name = iconv(product_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte"),
#        group_name = iconv(group_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte")
#      ) %>%
#      select(product_name, id, group_name, group_id, color)
#    save(hs02, file = hs02_tidy_file, compress = "xz")
#  }

## ----hs07, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------
#  hs07_url <- ""
#  hs07_raw_file <- "../data-raw/hs07.json"
#  hs07_tidy_file <- "../data/hs07.RData"
#  if (!file.exists(hs07_raw_file)) { download.file(hs07_url, hs07_raw_file) }
#  if (!file.exists(hs07_tidy_file)) {
#    hs07_raw <- flatten_df(fromJSON(hs07_raw_file)) %>%
#      select(name, id, color)
#    hs07_groups <- hs07_raw %>%
#      select(name, id) %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) == 2) %>%
#      distinct() %>%
#      rename(group_name = name, group_id = id)
#    hs07 <- hs07_raw %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) >= 6) %>%
#      mutate(group_id = substr(id, 1, 2)) %>%
#      mutate(id = substr(id, 3, nchar(id))) %>%
#      rename(product_name = name) %>%
#      left_join(hs07_groups) %>%
#      mutate(
#        product_name = iconv(product_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte"),
#        group_name = iconv(group_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte")
#      ) %>%
#      select(product_name, id, group_name, group_id, color)
#    save(hs07, file = hs07_tidy_file, compress = "xz")
#  }

## ----sitc, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------
#  sitc_url <- ""
#  sitc_raw_file <- "../data-raw/sitc.json"
#  sitc_tidy_file <- "../data-raw/sitc.json"
#  if (!file.exists(sitc_raw_file)) { download.file(sitc_url, sitc_raw_file) }
#  if (!file.exists(sitc_tidy_file)) {
#    sitc_raw <- flatten_df(fromJSON(sitc_raw_file)) %>%
#      select(name, id, color)
#    sitc_groups <- sitc_raw %>%
#      select(name, id) %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) == 2) %>%
#      distinct() %>%
#      rename(group_name = name, group_id = id)
#    sitc <- sitc_raw %>%
#      filter(nchar(id) >= 6) %>%
#      mutate(group_id = substr(id, 1, 2)) %>%
#      mutate(id = substr(id, 3, nchar(id))) %>%
#      rename(product_name = name) %>%
#      left_join(sitc_groups) %>%
#      mutate(
#        product_name = iconv(product_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte"),
#        group_name = iconv(group_name, from = "", to = "ASCII", sub = "byte")
#      ) %>%
#      select(product_name, id, group_name, group_id, color)
#    save(sitc, file = "../data/sitc.RData", compress = "xz")
#  }
pachamaltese/oec-r-package documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:52 a.m.