
context("running formatting")

test_that("unfrench formatting returns the good outcome", {
  expect_equal(object = unfrench_formatting(x = "0,12"),
               expected = 0.12)

  expect_equal(object = unfrench_formatting(x = "1 200,24"),
               expected = 1200.24)


test_that("french formatting returns the good outcome", {
  expect_equal(object = french_formatting(x = 0.12),
              expected = "0,12")
  expect_equal(object = french_formatting(x = 1012.24),
               expected = "1 012,24")

test_that("percent formatting returns the good outcome", {
  expect_equal(object = percent_formatting(0.12),
             expected = "12 %")
pachevalier/tricky documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:57 p.m.