
# rm(list=ls())
# library(readxl)
# library(tidyr)
# library(dplyr)
# library(stringr)
# path <- "C:/Users/Owner/Documents/Lab Data/TOC-DOC"
# # Function to create master file of DOC/TOC/TN data
#  toc_readr <- function(path){
#    final <- as_tibble()
#    files <- list.files(path, pattern='*.xlsx|*.xls')
#    data_list <- lapply(files, function(i) read_excel(paste(path,"/", i, sep = ''),
#                 col_names = FALSE))
#    data_tibble <- as_tibble()
#    for(i in files){
#      # Read in file
#      data <- read_excel(paste(path, i, sep = "/"), col_names = FALSE) %>% select(1:2)
#      data_tibble <- bind_rows(data_list, data)
#    }
#    final <- data_tibble %>%
#      select(x1 = X__1, x2 = X__2) %>%
#      extract(x2, "toc_doc", "NPOC:([0-9.]+)", remove = FALSE) %>%
#      extract(x2, "tn", "TN:([0-9.]+)") %>%
#      extract(x1, c("type"), "([TD]OC)", remove=FALSE) %>%
#      mutate(x1 = str_replace(x1, type, "")) %>%
#      mutate(x1 = str_replace(x1, "/TN", "")) %>%
#      filter(!is.na(type)) %>%
#      gather(-x1, -type, key = "param", value = "value") %>%
#      filter(!is.na(value))
#  }
# # specify folder containing toc/doc data
# X <- toc_readr(path)
paleolimbot/dalcwrs documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:43 a.m.