Man pages for paleolimbot/hydatr
An R Interface to the Environment Canada HYDAT database

hydat_dataRetreive HYDAT Data
hydat_date_seqCreate A Continuous Date Sequnce
hydat_downloadDownload the Hydat Database from Environment Canada
hydat_extractExtract a Zipped Hydat Database
hydat_find_stationsFind HYDAT Data Stations
hydat_list_filesList Hydat files
hydat_loadLoad a previously extracted Hydat Database
hydatr-packageAn R Interface to the Environment Canada HYDAT database
hydat_set_dbSet/get the internal pointer to the Hydat database
hydat_station_infoGet Detailed Station Info
hydat_tblLow-level access to HYDAT database tables
is_hydatTest if an object was created using hydat_load
paleolimbot/hydatr documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:49 p.m.