pb210_simulate_accumulation: Simulate sediment accumulation

View source: R/simulate.R

pb210_simulate_accumulationR Documentation

Simulate sediment accumulation


pb210_simulate_accumulation() simulates the accumulation of lead-210 over time, returning a data frame with one row per time_step, whereas pb210_simulate_core() returns a data frame with one row per depth_step (like extruding a core). These functions were created to test the pb210_crs() and pb210_cic() functions, and to create the lead-210 theory vignette. Ages are in years, depths are in cm, masses are in kg, densities are in kg / m^3^, and specific activities are in Bq / kg. pb210_simulate_counting() simulates putting a subsample of each slice on a counter for a specified amount of time. This allows assigning an error to the known lead-210 activity, as well as provide more realistic data for simulations. See pb210_error_from_activity() for details.


  mass_accumulation = pb210_mass_accumulation_constant(),
  max_age = 500,
  time_step = 1,
  supply = pb210_supply_constant(),
  compressibility = pb210_compressibility_constant(),
  initial_density = pb210_density_constant(),
  decay_constant = pb210_decay_constant()

  accumulation = pb210_simulate_accumulation(),
  depth_step = rep(0.5, 60),
  core_area = pb210_core_area()

  accumulation = pb210_simulate_core(),
  count_mass = 0.5/1000,
  count_time = lubridate::ddays(1)



A function such as that generated by pb210_mass_accumulation_constant(). Values returned by the function should be in kg / m^2^ / year.


The maximum age of the simulation (years)


The time to consider in each step (years)


A function such as that generated by pb210_supply_constant(). The flux of lead-210 to the surface, in Bq/ m^2^ / year


A function such as that generated by pb210_compressibility_constant(). Values returned by the function should be in 1 / Pa.


A function such as that generated by pb210_density_constant(). Values returned by the function should be in kg / m^3^.


The decay constant to use (see pb210_decay_constant())


An age simulation, created by pb210_simulate_accumulation().


A vector of depth steps to consider, from the top to the bottom of the core. There should be one element in the vector for each slice considered.


The internal area of the core in m^2^.


The amount of mass each sample that was counted (kg). Can be a vector to specify different masses for each sample.


The time each sample was counted, as resolved by lubridate::as.duration(). Raw numbers are treated as a number of seconds, however we reccomend using lubridate::ddays() and/or lubridate::dhours() to make the units explicit.


A tibble with columns:

  • age (years): the mean age of the slice (weighted by mass)

  • depth (cm): the midpoint depth of the slice

  • activity (Bq/kg)

  • age_top, age_bottom (years)

  • depth_top, depth_bottom (cm)

  • slice_mass (kg)

  • slice_density (kg / m^3^)

The output of pb210_simulate_counting() also includes the columns:

  • activity_estimate (Bq/kg): A plausible activity that might be obtained by a lead-210 counting method, sampled using stats::rpois().

  • activity_se (Bq/kg): The standard error (estimate of the standard deviation) of activity_estimate. For the expected error, use pb210_error_from_activity() on


# 1 row per year
accumulation <- pb210_simulate_accumulation()
# 1 row per 0.5 cm
core <- pb210_simulate_core(accumulation)
counted_core <- pb210_simulate_counting(core)

paleolimbot/pb210 documentation built on May 8, 2022, 8:10 a.m.