qgis_configure: Configure qgisprocess

View source: R/qgis-configure.R

qgis_configureR Documentation

Configure qgisprocess


Run qgis_configure() to bring the package configuration in line with QGIS and to save this configuration to a persistent cache. See the Details section for more information about setting the path of the 'qgis_process' command line tool.


qgis_configure(quiet = FALSE, use_cached_data = FALSE)



Use FALSE to display more information, possibly useful for debugging.


Use the cached algorithm list and path found when configuring qgisprocess during the last session. This saves some time loading the package.


The qgisprocess package is a wrapper around the 'qgis_process' command line tool distributed with QGIS (>=3.14). Several functions use heuristics to detect the location of the 'qgis_process' executable.

When loading the package, the configuration is automatically read from the cache with qgis_configure(use_cached_data = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) in order to save time. Run qgis_configure(use_cached_data = TRUE) manually to get more details.

Use qgis_algorithms(), qgis_providers(), qgis_plugins(), qgis_using_json_output(), qgis_path() and qgis_version() to inspect cache contents.

If the configuration fails or you have more than one QGIS installation, you can set options(qgisprocess.path = "path/to/qgis_process") or the R_QGISPROCESS_PATH environment variable (useful on CI). On Linux the 'qgis_process' executable is generally available on the user's PATH, on MacOS the executable is within the QGIS*.app/Contents/MacOS/bin folder, and on Windows the executable is named qgis_process-qgis.bat or qgis_process-qgis-dev.bat and is located in Program Files/QGIS*/bin or OSGeo4W(64)/bin.


The result of processx::run().

See Also


qgis_path(), qgis_version()

Other topics about configuring QGIS and qgisprocess: qgis_enable_plugins(), qgis_run()


# not running in R CMD check to save time
qgis_configure(use_cached_data = TRUE)

## Not run: 
# package reconfiguration
# (not run in example() as it rewrites the package cache file)

## End(Not run)

paleolimbot/qgisprocess documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 11:29 p.m.