Man pages for palmercl/Table1
Summary table

column_labelA function to create column names with sample sizes
dist_checkA function to describe the distribution of a variable...
final_tableA function to create a summary table for 1 or more groups.
fx_model_linearA function to create a summary of a linear regression model.
fx_model_logisticA function to create a summary of a logistic regression...
fx_rowsA function to determine which row function to employ
fx_symbolA function to generate a * to add to the label for...
mean_rowA row function
median_rowA row function
missing_rowA function to quantify missing data
missing_tableA function to create a summary of missing data for 1 or more...
prop_rowA row function
palmercl/Table1 documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:55 a.m.