Man pages for paodan/funcTools
some useful function tools in practice

cash-.functionInfoUsing $ sign to access the functions within a functionInfo...
cbindListcbind all elements in a list
CheckBiocReportsCheck the package reports on Bioconductor
clearRemoves the variables from environment
createProjectCreate a project folder, where it contains "0_RawData",...
detachPackagesdetach packages
detachPackagesAlldetach all packages except basic packages
edge2MatConvert network edges to adjacency matrix
evalParEvaluate parameters in one goal in the global environment
fastq2dataframeRead fastq file and convert to a data frame
fastq2dataframe_revreverse a fastq corresponding data frame to a data.table of...
fileNameFactoryA function factory to create a function that is used to...
findShortestPathFind the shortest path
firstContinueThe first/last values in a number sequence with a certain...
formatNAdd leading zeros
funCodeFinding function source code
functionInfo-classGenerating functionInfo object
functionsCanGetGenericnon-generic functions that can generate generic using...
funDispatchfind dispatched functions for an object
funWhichget the dispatched S3 or S4 method of a function
getLoadedCFunGet the information of loaded C functions/routines in a...
hpcInfoInformation of HPC computing nodes
hpcInfo2The Memory and CPU usage of each node on HPC
identicalSlotsJudge if the slots in two S4 objects are identical
insideOutListMake a named list inside out
loadAsListLoad data and assign it/them into a list
lsAccessibleVariablelist accessible variables of a function
lsClassList all classes in packages
makeFilenames[!+] Convert string into Windows compatible filename
makeUniqueNamesMake Unique Names
mat2EdgeAdjacency matrix to a data.frame of edges.
matrixNewGenerate random/diagonal/zeros/ones Matrix
matrixRepRepeat matrix m by n times
mem_used2How much memory is presently/maximally used by R?
newObjectAn object constructor of an S3 class
parforparallel computing with a progress bar
paste2stringsPaste two strings without a space
plotSaveSave a plot
print.HpcInfoprint HpcInfo object
print.statResPrint statRes object
print.statRes2Print statRes2 object
pseudoLogThe Signed Pseudo Logarithm
qdelDelete (qdel) of queue jobs.
qdel2Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
qdelAllDelete (qdel) of job by pattern
qdelAll2Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
qstatStatus (qstat) of my running jobs.
qstat2checking your own job status on HPC for slurm system
qstatAllStatus (qstat) of running jobs of all users.
qstatAll2checking all users' job status on HPC for slurm system
qstatGroupAllStatus (qstat) of running jobs of group members.
qstatGroupAll2Status (sacct, equivalent to qstat) of running jobs of group...
qstatProcessprocess the results form qstat command
qstatSummarySummarize qstat results
R_currentFrameworkThe current version of R framework
removeSpaceremove multiple spaces to one space
renameFilesrename files
R_frameworkslist all R frameworks
rQsubSubmit (qsub) R jobs.
rQsub2Submit (sbatch, like qsub) R jobs.
R_switchSwitch R framework version on Mac
runCRun a C function based on C interface from R
R_versionCurrent R version
sacctsacct: checking your own job status on HPC for slurm system
sacctAllsacctAll: checking all users' job status on HPC for slurm...
sbatchsbatch: Submit (sbatch, like qsub) R jobs.
scale_colour_PublicationChange discrete colour color of ggplot
scale_fill_PublicationChange discrete fill color of ggplot
scale_xy_ticksChange the x and y axis ticks of ggplot
scancelscancel: Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
scancelAllscancelAll: Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
selectRowsSelect rows from a data frame according to reference IDs
setwd2thisFileSet working directory according to the file with this...
slotClassObtain class names of slots in an S4 object
sortDataframeSort data.frame according to multiple columns.
strSplitSplit charactors vecotrs and save as a matrix
table2matrixConvert a table object to a matrix
theme_Publicationggplot theme for publication ready Plots
theme_transparentMake the ggplot transparent
thisFileThe path, directory and file name of the current (executed)...
tidyTextPrint text in a tidy way.
whereisWhich environment/package(s) is/are a function located in the...
paodan/funcTools documentation built on April 1, 2024, 12:01 a.m.