Man pages for paolofantini/Supreme
Make it easier applying LDA topic models to a corpus of Italian Supreme Court decisions

classesClass labels
compClassInternal Supreme function
corpusA corpus of Italian Supreme Court decisions
corpus2dtmFrom ISC corpus to a Document-Term Matrix
dfcivData frame dfciv
dfciv2corpusCreating an ISC corpus from a data frame of class dfciv
dtmBase document-term matrix
italianStopWordsA list of italian stop words
mcLDAMulticore parallel runs of LDA models
reduce_dtmReducing the number of columns (terms) of a document-term...
reduce_dtm_lognetInternal Supreme function
reduce_dtm_lognet_cvInternal Supreme function
reduce_dtm_tfidfInternal Supreme function
SupremeMake it easier applying LDA topic models to a corpus of...
wTfIdfInternal Supreme function
xml2dfcivFrom xml docs to dfciv data frame
paolofantini/Supreme documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:14 p.m.