Man pages for pappasd/BIGDAWG
Case-Control Analysis of Multi-Allelic Loci

AAmino Acid Analysis Function
AA.df.checkContingency Table Check
AAtable.builderAmino Acid Contingency Table Build
AlignmentFilterAlignment Filter
AlignObj.CreateAlignment Object Creator
AlignObj.UpdateUpdated Alignment Object Creator
BIGDAWGBIGDAWG Main Wrapper Function
cciCase-Control Odds ratio calculation and graphing
cci.pvalCase Control Odds Ratio Calculation from Epicalc
cci.pval.listCase Control Odds Ratio Calculation from Epicalc list...
CheckAllelesHLA Allele Legitimacy Check for Amino Acid Analysis
CheckHLAHLA Formatting Check for Amino Acid Analysis
CheckLociHLA Loci Legitimacy Check for Amino Acid Analysis
CheckReleaseFunction to Check Release Versions
DRB345.parserDRB345 Column Processing
Err.LogError Code Display and Logging
EVSremovalExpression Variant Suffix Removal
ExonPtnAlign.CreateProtein Exon Alignment Formatter
ExonPtnListExon 2 (class II) or 2/3 (class I) protein alignments.
getAllele.CountRecompute number of alleles
getCS.MatChi square matrices
getCS.statChi square test statistic
GetFieldHLA trimming function
GetFilesFile Fetcher
getHapHaplotype Table Maker
getObsFreqObserved Frequency
HLA_dataExample HLA Dataset
HWE.ChiSqHardy Weinbergy Equilibrium Function
HWE.wrapperHardy-Weinbery Wrapper
LLocus Analysis Function
make2x2Creation of a 2x2 table using the indicated orientation.
makeCombGenotype Combination Maker
PgrpExtractHLA P group Finder
PgrpFormatHLA P group File Formatter
PreCheckData Summary Function
rmABstringsReplace absent allele strings
RunChiSqChi-squared Contingency Table Test
TableMakerTable Maker
UpdateReleaseUpdate function for protein aligment upon new IMGT HLA data...
pappasd/BIGDAWG documentation built on Aug. 19, 2020, 7:21 p.m.