Man pages for parodistefano/properROC
Display and Analyze Proper ROC Curves

aucfromdorEstimate AUC from a Diagnostic Odds Ratio
biasproprocBias in Using AUC of a Proper ROC Curve for Diagnostic...
OvarianDataOvarian Cancer Data Set (First Two Genes)
PancreaticDataPancreatic Cancer Data Set
paraucPartial AUC
parpropaucPartial Proper AUC
plotproperAdd a Theoretical Proper ROC Curve to a ROC Plot
plotrocPlot One or More ROC Curves from the Corresponding ROC Tables...
proprocCalculate the Coordinates of a Proper ROC Curve (internal...
pvaltprcp-value for the Test for a Proper ROC Curve
rocaucEstimate AUC from a ROC Table
roccoordCalculate the Coordinates of a ROC curve
rocdorEstimate DOR from an AUC under a Proper Model Assumption
roctableMake a ROC Table
tprcTest for a Proper ROC Curve
parodistefano/properROC documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:16 p.m.