Man pages for patelm9/gUnit

get_gsheet_id_from_nameGet Google Sheet id by name
get_gsheet_metadataGets the Google Sheet metadata
gs_add_tabAdds a dataframe to a new tab with the given name to the...
gs_appendAdds a dataframe to a Google Sheet tab by doing a...
gs_colnamesGet colnames every tab in Google Sheet
gs_download_as_csvDownloads all the tabs in a given Google Sheet as csvs to...
gs_id_from_nameGet Google Sheet id by name
gs_mGets the Google Sheet metadata
gs_m_by_nameGets the Google Sheet metadata
gs_read_tmp_csvReads Google Sheet as a list of dataframes or a single...
gs_replaceReplaces a tab with new dataframe
gs_ss_by_nameGets the Google Sheet metadata
gs_ss_by_namesGets a list of googlesheet metadata from a list of gsheet...
gs_tabnamesGet all the tab names in the Google Sheet
gs_tab_namesGet all the tab names in the Google Sheet
gs_upload_csvWrite to new Google Sheet
gs_write_with_temp_csvWrite to new Google Sheet
helloHello, World!
ncol_gsGet number of cols in each tab
nrow_gsNumber of rows in each tab
read_gsReads Google Sheet as a list of dataframes or a single...
read_gs_by_tmp_csvReads Google Sheet as a list of dataframes or a single...
refresh_data_gsRefreshes the object with the newest data in the gsheet
retrieve_gs_colnamesGet colnames every tab in Google Sheet
retrieve_gs_fields_with_strGet structure of every tab in Google Sheet
retrieve_gs_fields_with_summaryGet summary of every tab in Google Sheet
retrieve_gsheet_id_by_nameGet Google Sheet id by name
tabnames_gsGet all the tab names in the Google Sheet
update_gs_ss_by_nameUpdates a the list of Google Sheets metadata by the name of...
write_gsWrite to new Google Sheet
write_gs_by_rowWrite to new Google Sheet
patelm9/gUnit documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 1:37 a.m.