Man pages for patr1ckm/patr1ckm
Handy R code

applynaApply to vector in margin of array or matrix
clear.warningsclear warnings
commitadd and commit changes
fac2numConvert a factor to numeric
helloHello, World!
hhReturn a small number of rows and columns
htReturn a small non-overlapping number of rows and columns at...
is.specialchecks if 'x' is 'NA', 'NaN', or 'Inf'.
lsoslist objects and sizes
plotMissingplots missing values
pushPush changes to tracked files to master branch on github
put.argsAssign default args of a function into global environment
pw.tablesCompute all pairwise tables for data
reupQuickly reinstall the already loaded package from github
runningmeanRunning mean, sum, or median
runningratioRunning ratio
tol.matchMatch with tolerance
vec2symConvert vector to symmetric matrix
patr1ckm/patr1ckm documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:21 p.m.