kfold_predict: Predictions from K-Fold Cross-Validation

View source: R/kfold.R

kfold_predictR Documentation

Predictions from K-Fold Cross-Validation


Compute and evaluate predictions after performing K-fold cross-validation via kfold.


kfold_predict(x, method = "posterior_predict", resp = NULL, ...)



Object of class 'kfold' computed by kfold. For kfold_predict to work, the fitted model objects need to have been stored via argument save_fits of kfold.


Method used to obtain predictions. Can be set to "posterior_predict" (the default), "posterior_epred", or "posterior_linpred". For more details, see the respective function documentations.


Optional names of response variables. If specified, predictions are performed only for the specified response variables.


Further arguments passed to prepare_predictions that control several aspects of data validation and prediction.


A list with two slots named 'y' and 'yrep'. Slot y contains the vector of observed responses. Slot yrep contains the matrix of predicted responses, with rows being posterior draws and columns being observations.

See Also



## Not run: 
fit <- brm(count ~ zBase * Trt + (1|patient),
           data = epilepsy, family = poisson())

# perform k-fold cross validation
(kf <- kfold(fit, save_fits = TRUE, chains = 1))

# define a loss function
rmse <- function(y, yrep) {
  yrep_mean <- colMeans(yrep)
  sqrt(mean((yrep_mean - y)^2))

# predict responses and evaluate the loss
kfp <- kfold_predict(kf)
rmse(y = kfp$y, yrep = kfp$yrep)

## End(Not run)

paul-buerkner/brms documentation built on Dec. 18, 2024, 2:23 a.m.